Share Saturdays with Sneha, Writing

Week 3 – Share it Saturdays With Sneha

Hey readers! Here’s Week 2 of – Share it Saturdays With Sneha – Writing Challenge. Today’s literary device is Dialogue. Write any poetry, article, story or thought in the form of a dialogue!

Example –

Her: Please do not be late today!

Him: Late for what? Were we supposed to meet today?

The rules are simple:

  1. Write a poem, short story of quote using the literary device theme of the weekend
  2. Use the tags “Awordseeker” and “Sneha’s Share Saturdays”
  3. Post the links in the comments below
  4. If you can, then do like, comment and share your thoughts on others works if you can 

My entry this week:

Him: Life is not a fairytale my love.

Her: Isn’t it? Mine feels like it. One where the princess is stuck with the dragon forever.

Him: Oh come on, don’t act dramatic, as if you have gone through so much pain

Her: Well, if I haven’t gone through pain how am I bleeding my soul on paper in poetry?

Articles, Romance

To love is to hoard

Have you ever walked around in a stationary shop and seen the most perfect little diary, filled with the smell of fresh pages, crisp, and just wanted to take it home? Then you bring it home and its too pretty to taint by writing in it. You keep thinking to yourself “I will write when I think of something amazing that is good enough for the diary” and then you forget all about it until months or years later.

It doesn’t have to be a diary. It could be that cute little dress you bought, or those amazing shoes, that delicate set of good cutlery, the wine that is too expensive to drink on just any ordinary day. How often do we collect these set of too good to use things and just forget about them for a while?

Why do we do this? Do we just like to hoard things? Is it some sort of perverse desire to own things, to possess them, even if we don’t use them, just so they are with us?

Don’t we do this with the people we love? Ask someone who has been married for a long time and they will tell you that some times they feel that their partners don’t cherish or value them as much as they did when they first met.

When we first meet someone and fall in love, we go out of our way to impress them, to make them happy, to get them to love us. What happens when we do get them? Slowly, we begin to take them for granted. Slowly, we just stop taking efforts for them. Once we have them, we stop trying to get them. That is natural. But is it also the cause of the magic fading away from our relationships?

Maybe one day, we may realize its too late to write in that diary, for we have no time, or its already old and dusty. Or that dress doesn’t fit anymore. The perfect occasion to drink that wine never really arrived. Why wait?

Why not make that effort now? Why not live in the moment now? Why postpone moments of little joys? Why not make that effort to make your partner smile today?


My truth

Lips moving, trembling, stretching,

Some sound made, some noise, some ripple

You don’t care.

You don’t care what they say.

You stand by your beliefs, come what may.

Like a stone, set in its place

Unable to budge, unable to change

You stay, you stay in one place.




For you live in a cocoon, created by your opinions

Believing you are right, you belittle millions.

You go about your life with preset notions

You ignore opposing views, as distracting commotion.

So you live in a bubble and go on wtih your life,

Someday, when you are older, you will see, you weren’t always right.



Hello there reader!
Here is my entry for Mad about metaphor

In a sea of meaningless small talk,

Your voice is my lifeboat.

Saving me, right before I drown.

In the darkness of ignorance

our conversation sparkles like diamonds.

Precious, rare and dazzling.

In this world where love is like musical chairs

People grabbing a seat, for fear of being left out

I am glad we waited

Till we found, something that was rare.

In this race of social approval,

We shun the world, call it a rebellion.



Beautiful Things

Wind evenings

Hot cups of tea

Smell of a fresh book

Or even old ones

Feeling of sand underneath you feet




Wait there reader! Now its your turn.

Mention three things you think make life beautiful in comments!

Even if each reader takes 30 seconds to comment we can have a nice list!


Creative Writing, Fiction&Poetry, Three line tales, Writing

Circle of Power

A little bit of supernatural for today’s Three Line Tales

She was a sweet little girl who had always imagined her life would be perfect and filled with all things magical – a prince on a white horse and all things lovely.

Life had another plan, and as they say “It’s written” in the stars, for living in orphanages, to her foster mother’s cruelties, bullies at school and lack of love had taken away every inch of hope, except that of true love.

Therefore, when she gave it all to him and he broke her heart, she had no option but to give up the idea of magic and focus on witchcraft and today she stands on the sacrificial green circle of power – ready to sacrifice that jerk and gain her full powers as a witch.


  • Sneha Pathak (c)
Creative Writing, Fiction&Poetry, Poetry, Writing

A lost fight

On a cold dark night,

A tiny lone candle fights.

To slay the darkness

To spread out the light.

She had always won against soft breezes,

But her spirit grows weak as the cold increases.

The wind is a fearsome opponent

The candle grows weak and despondent.

As the darkness begins to take over the room,

The candle envies the light of the moon.

For no winds could put it out, on most days

She desperately tried to hold on to its ray.

Its tears trickle over its body shyly

It’s spirit dying away, slowly.

They tried to shade her light by their two hands

But she knew, a chance she did not stand.

As they struggled to keep her lit with all their might,

She exhaled her last words slowly,

Sometimes it’s okay to embrace the darkness of the night.


© Sneha P [Rights Reserved] 2018.




Creative Writing, Daily post, poem, Uncategorized, Writing

One day that changed everything


One hundred meetings with you

didn’t matter to me once.

I was blissfully ignorant towards you.

Until one day, I began to see things anew.

One look into your hazel eyes,

And I fell in love

a love that would for a lifetime suffice.

One hug was all it took,

to put together my broken pieces

One harsh word was all it took,

To make me see you vices.

For I burnt day and night to make you realise,

it was okay to feel things, okay to embrace the sunrise.

However, I am out of fire, and your heart is still made of ice.

© Sneha P [Rights Reserved]

Uncategorized, Writing

Happy Diwali to all of my readers!

As I write this post I am practically running around the house with my laptop since there’s so much to do! However, I cannot miss this opportunity to wish my readers 🙂

For those who are unaware, Diwali is a festival of lights celebrated in India. Whereby we celebrate the victory of good over evil and welcome health, wealth and prosperity into our homes by cleaning our houses, lighting oil lamps are decorating our house with pretty lights. Tomorrow marks the new year for some in India.

the description I just gave isn’t a cohesive one, there’s so much that I want to write…soon!!

For now, Happy Diwali once again.


Articles, Writing

Published in Hindustan Times…Again!!

Hello there readers, I’m absolutely elated as I share my article on the Indian festival of Diwali and the importance of cleansing your mind,body and spirit. This article was published in a leading Indian newspaper, Hindustan times

Here’s a link to the same –
The feeling that your writing is being read by thousands of people out there is just fabulous. Thanks to everyone for their wishes and encouragement on my blog. You people  are the best 🙂 
Let me know your thoughts in comments 🙂