
Broken Heart

Sleepless nights and days in vain

Two sides of the same coin

Love and pain.

All the memories you preserved

The tiny toys and the long poems

The scribbled notes and the blurry photos

Ashes. They turn to ashes as they say goodbye

They move on with their life

While you lay there and sigh.

Why did you remember the color of their shirt

And their smell on a rainy day

Why did you remember their eyes and their gaze

Why did you save old photos and fridge magnets

Why love when all it brings is heartbreak after heartbreak


Chasing shadows

You run past the meadows

Chasing something, a shadow, a glimpse

Of the memories of the past

A song plays on the radio and you hit call on your phone

All it took was one musical note to break your no contact zone

You remember the past and a bitter after taste lingers in your mouth

But your mind only focuses on the love before it went south

You remember the sound of their feet on the wood

Spending more time cuddled up than you should

You remember the first breakfast together

You remember the first kiss in terrible weather

You remember the tears in their eyes as they drove away

You remember all the nights you prayed

So you chase the shadows of these memories

But they were long gone

The house was silent long before you left it

The kitchen hadn’t felt warmth, neither had you

And the eyes at the airport were wet only for you.

But you go on chasing shadows of a past

That ceased to exist, of a love that wasn’t meant to last.

So you chase shadows because you loved a little too hard

So you chase shadows even when there was no love, even in the past.

(C) Sneha Pathak


Faking it

A busy nighttime street

And a quiet high rise apartment

A cup of tea and a book

Intrumental music in the background

Some fairy lights

The ambiance is just right

So you let the music and the words drown out

Drown out the voices in your heart

You let them suffocate the painful past

You go out and you smile

Carrying a secret, all this while

You talk about the past as if its a long-gone chapter

Hoping they believe you, not knowing the extent of the disaster

So you put on a show and shine for the world

Deep down, your heart only mutters the same words

So go on faking my dear,

Until one day, it doesn’t hurt as much

For the world is filled

With love, heartbreak, betrayals and such.

© Sneha P Rights Reserved

Fiction&Poetry, Love

The Bitter Truth

One piece of wisdom my elders passed on to me was as follows

“If you plant the seed of the neem tree,

It won’t bear the sweet fruit of mango”

The leaves of neem, are very better to swallow

I never truly appreciated this saying

Until I found myself on my knees, praying.

For the pain to stop and the tears to go away

For your presence had made my days gray.

At the crack of the dawn I was going to bed

For I had spent the night crying instead.

I gave you my all, my innocence and, my heart

I stood by you right from the start

When you were down and out,

I stood by you without a shadow of a doubt

I cried in your sorrow and laughed in your joy

Yet, you treated my heart like a toy.

Like the tree of neem you continued to spit out bitterness and hate

Cutting me down until it was too late.

The girl who helped you stand up when you fell

Was the very one you hid like a secret you couldn’t tell.

You trashed her confidence and her spirit you crushed,

Like the neem tree, your bitterness fell wherever you touched.

So you spew out venom, because that is your nature

And she goes on giving, because she loves to nurture.

Until she is gone forever, lost in this cruel garden of hate,

Maybe one day, you will realize her worth, but it will be too late

© Sneha P

Share Saturdays with Sneha, Writing

Week 3 – Share it Saturdays With Sneha

Hey readers! Here’s Week 2 of – Share it Saturdays With Sneha – Writing Challenge. Today’s literary device is Dialogue. Write any poetry, article, story or thought in the form of a dialogue!

Example –

Her: Please do not be late today!

Him: Late for what? Were we supposed to meet today?

The rules are simple:

  1. Write a poem, short story of quote using the literary device theme of the weekend
  2. Use the tags “Awordseeker” and “Sneha’s Share Saturdays”
  3. Post the links in the comments below
  4. If you can, then do like, comment and share your thoughts on others works if you can 

My entry this week:

Him: Life is not a fairytale my love.

Her: Isn’t it? Mine feels like it. One where the princess is stuck with the dragon forever.

Him: Oh come on, don’t act dramatic, as if you have gone through so much pain

Her: Well, if I haven’t gone through pain how am I bleeding my soul on paper in poetry?

Fiction&Poetry, Nature

Man and Nature

The sun with its scorching heat

Yet the sunflowers lean towards it

The thirst making me parched

Yet the cactus blooms in the desert

The snow making my fingers go numb

Yet the penguins waddle in it carelessly

The fireworks so majestic

Yet the dogs hide under the couch

The motorboat so thrilling

Yet the fishes swim away hastily

The kites so much fun to fly

Yet the birds shy away from it

Us humans, so friendly,

Yet the deers, rabbits and squirrels squirm away at our sight.

Maybe nature eludes us

Maybe the concrete jungle eludes nature.

(C) Sneha Pathak Copyright 2022

Fiction&Poetry, Poetry

What are you longing for?

It doesn’t get easier.

Time doesn’t heal.

Humans just forget easily.

We forget the pain, we forget the loss,

we forget its root cause.

And then something little happens,

and a gush of memories hits you

like the wind blowing on your face.

Until a song comes on the radio,

Then all you can think about is the car where you both sang.

Until a scent reminds you of that day

And the way the air felt against your skin.

Until someone says a phrase that takes you back

Then you miss the laugh you shared that day.

Until someone wears that shirt

Then you miss the person who wore it too.

Until you find a quote on the internet, from a book you read

Then you remember the phase of life you were in that day.

Until you eat a morsel of food,

Then you remember the thoughts you felt when you shared that meal.

All of a sudden, the strings of time, intertwine

All of sudden, the past, as gloomy as it was, seems to shine.

Hindsight bias hits you like a hammer,

suddenly, tears fill your eyes, your voice begins to stammer.

You miss a different time.

But that’s a lie, you miss the hope

The hope that tomorrow would be better

And today is better, but your heart is never content

It’s like a refuge seeking a tent.

But in a city full of empty houses, nothing seems to feel like home

Even home feels like a cage,

Even the world, feels like a stage.

And you wait for the writer to write your happy ending

But life goes on

And you continue to feel like you are missing something,

Like something is always pending.

Like something is missing from your story,

And maybe you will feel that way until you are old history.

  • (c) Sneha Pathak

Fiction&Poetry, Poetry

Tug of War

The gentle tapping of rain on the window,

Distracts you for a moment

From the monotony of your weekend,

You have a lot to do,

Yet nothing gets done.

The week was busy but idle

You blame yourself for being so casual.

Yet when everyone else you know was having a ball

You stayed at home, worked, did chores, and attended calls.

You blame yourself for not working hard enough

A voice in your mind begs you to stop.

You exhaust yourself but the Sisyphean boulder barely moves,

You make to-do lists, but nothing ever gets ticked

You worry yourself sick, yet you casually watch a film

You blame yourself for not working hard enough.

A voice in your mind begs you to stop.

You feel like you are constantly doing so much

But so little at the same time

Your worst critic smirks in the mirror,

Maybe you’re not smart enough, they chide

That statement still wounds your pride

So you push harder, work faster and get things done

For a moment, the burden on your shoulder drops to the floor

You breathe a sigh of relief, incapable of doing more.

But what about the other load over there?

Who will carry it and when?

Exasperated, you realize, there is no zen.

So you lift the load and go on every single day

You toil, come sunshine or hail.

You blame yourself for not working hard enough.

A voice in your mind begs you to stop.

A voice in your mind cries to stop.

You wish you could.

You wish you would.

Fiction&Poetry, Poems, Poetry

Love language

Up and Down.

Down and Up.

My love language –

Raw, unfiltered, unleashed.

Gratitude, adoration, poetry.

Tears, giggles, banter.

Perceived as –

Rough, tumultuous, overbearing

Like a raging storm, unpredictable,

Childish and shallow.

Your love language –

Measured, laconic, bounded.

Debate, arguments and Intellectual companionship.

Protective, possessive, harsh.

Perceived as –

Shallow, brutal and hurtful.

So we take each other,

Up and Down.

Down and Up.

You find yourself drowning

Smothered in the sea of my emotions.

I feel myself parched,

Thirsty for verses of love.

Its like –

Over watering your plants and killing them,

Leaving your garden rot with weeds.

Where is the middle ground?

Living in extremes

Silence and screams.

A poet and a mathematician.

A writer and a historian.

A painter and an architect.

Madness and method.

The sea and the rock

When they meet, they clash.

But they meet.

As the waves go up and down.

Down and Up.

(c) Sneha Pathak

Creative Writing, Fiction&Poetry

The perfect couple

Pretty as a picture

Their life seems so rosy

To the world outside

They seem to be living warm and cozy.

For the music at their parties

Drowns out the screams

Their smiles are so perfect and dazzling

No one seems to guess

The reality so very troubling.

For they play the perfect couple

Of martial life, beautiful without a ripple.

But the storm underneath they manage to conceal

Their tired, swollen eyes, they give away how they really feel.

The scars on their body

Well hidden my seams

The scars on their heart

Well what of them?

For they follow the whims of their heart,

They had promised to stick together

Till death do them apart.

(C) Sneha Pathak